#define message_length 1000 //the length of message
#define codeword_length 2000 //the length of codeword
float code_rate = (float)message_length / (float)codeword_length;
// channel coefficient
#define pi 3.1415926
#define INF 0x7ffffff
double N0, sgm;
//int state_table[10][10];//state table, the size should be defined yourself
int state_num;//the number of the state of encoder structure
int message[message_length], codeword[codeword_length];//message and codeword
int re_codeword[codeword_length];//the received codeword
int de_message[message_length];//the decoding message
double tx_symbol[codeword_length][2];//the transmitted symbols
double rx_symbol[codeword_length][2];//the received symbols
struct state_table
int in;
int now;
int next;
int out[2];
state_table table[8];
int transition[message_length][4];
void statetable();
void encoder();
void modulation();
void demodulation();
void channel();
void decoder();
int main()
int i;
float SNR, start, finish;
long int bit_error, seq, seq_num;
double BER;
double progress;
//generate state table
//random seed
//input the SNR and frame number
printf("\nEnter start SNR: ");
scanf("%f", &start);
printf("\nEnter finish SNR: ");
scanf("%f", &finish);
printf("\nPlease input the number of message: ");
scanf("%d", &seq_num);
for (SNR = start; SNR <= finish; SNR++)
//channel noise
N0 = (1.0 / code_rate) / pow(10.0, (float)(SNR) / 10.0);
sgm = sqrt(N0 / 2);
bit_error = 0;
for (seq = 1; seq<=seq_num; seq++)
//generate binary message randomly
Pay attention that message is appended by 0 whose number is equal to the state of encoder structure.
for (i = 0; i<message_length - state_num; i++)
message[i] = rand() % 2;
for (i = message_length - state_num; i<message_length; i++)
message[i] = 0;
//convolutional encoder
//BPSK modulation
//AWGN channel
//BPSK demodulation, it's needed in hard-decision Viterbi decoder
//convolutional decoder
//calculate the number of bit error
for (i = 0; i<message_length; i++)
if (message[i] != de_message[i])
progress = (double)(seq * 100) / (double)seq_num;
//calculate the BER
BER = (double)bit_error / (double)(message_length*seq);
//print the intermediate result
printf("Progress=%2.1f, SNR=%2.1f, Bit Errors=%2.1d, BER=%E\r", progress, SNR, bit_error, BER);
//calculate the BER
BER = (double)bit_error / (double)(message_length*seq_num);
//print the final result
printf("Progress=%2.1f, SNR=%2.1f, Bit Errors=%2.1d, BER=%E\n", progress, SNR, bit_error, BER);
void statetable()
state_num = 2;
for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
table[i].in = i % 2;
table[i].now = int(i / 2);
table[0].next = table[2].next = 0;
table[1].next = table[3].next = 2;
table[4].next = table[6].next = 1;
table[5].next = table[7].next = 3;
table[0].out[0] = 0; table[0].out[1] = 0;
table[1].out[0] = 1; table[1].out[1] = 1;
table[2].out[0] = 1; table[2].out[1] = 1;
table[3].out[0] = 0; table[3].out[1] = 0;
table[4].out[0] = 1; table[4].out[1] = 0;
table[5].out[0] = 0; table[5].out[1] = 1;
table[6].out[0] = 0; table[6].out[1] = 1;
table[7].out[0] = 1; table[7].out[1] = 0;
void encoder()
//convolution encoder, the input is message[] and the output is codeword[]
int now = 0;//用于标志寄存器状态
for (int i = 0; i < message_length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= 7; j++)
if (table[j].in == message[i] && now == table[j].now)
codeword[2 * i] = table[j].out[0];
codeword[2 * i + 1] = table[j].out[1];
now = table[j].next;
void modulation()
//BPSK modulation
int i;
//0 is mapped to (1,0) and 1 is mapped tp (-1,0)
for (i = 0; i<codeword_length; i++)
tx_symbol[i][0] = -1 * (2 * codeword[i] - 1);
void channel()
//AWGN channel
int i, j;
double u, r, g;
for (i = 0; i<codeword_length; i++)
for (j = 0; j<2; j++)
void demodulation()
int i;
double d1, d2;
for (i = 0; i<codeword_length; i++)
d1 = (rx_symbol[i][0] - 1)*(rx_symbol[i][0] - 1) + rx_symbol[i][1] * rx_symbol[i][1];
d2 = (rx_symbol[i][0] + 1)*(rx_symbol[i][0] + 1) + rx_symbol[i][1] * rx_symbol[i][1];
if (d1<d2)
re_codeword[i] = 0;
re_codeword[i] = 1;
void decoder()
int metrics[4], metrics_next[4]; // 用于记录当前和下一个状态的最小汉明距离
metrics[0] = 0; //对于起始状态,只有第一个状态不为INF
metrics[1] = metrics[2] = metrics[3] = INF;
for (int i = 0; i < message_length - state_num; i++)
metrics_next[0] = metrics_next[1] = metrics_next[2] = metrics_next[3] = INF; //下一个状态的最小汉明距离先置为最大
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (int k = 0; k <= 7; k++) //当前状态为j,从第k条边转移到下一个状态table[k].next
if (table[k].now == j)
int d = 0;
if (re_codeword[i * 2] != table[k].out[0])
if (re_codeword[i * 2 + 1] != table[k].out[1])
if (metrics_next[table[k].next] > metrics[j] + d)
metrics_next[table[k].next] = metrics[j] + d;
transition[i][table[k].next] = k; //用于记录路径
for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j++)
metrics[j] = metrics_next[j];
for (int i = message_length - state_num; i < message_length; i++)
metrics_next[0] = metrics_next[1] = metrics_next[2] = metrics_next[3] = INF; //下一个状态的最小汉明距离先置为最大
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (int k = 0; k <= 7; k++) //当前状态为j,从第k条边转移到下一个状态table[k].next
if (table[k].now == j && table[k].in == 0) //回到初始状态时只走0边
int d = 0;
if (re_codeword[i * 2] != table[k].out[0])
if (re_codeword[i * 2 + 1] != table[k].out[1])
if (metrics_next[table[k].next] > metrics[j] + d)
metrics_next[table[k].next] = metrics[j] + d;
transition[i][table[k].next] = k; //用于记录路径
for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j++)
metrics[j] = metrics_next[j];
int state_now = 0; //回溯到哪个状态,从0状态开始
for (int i = message_length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
de_message[i] = transition[i][state_now] % 2;
state_now = int(transition[i][state_now] / 2);
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